YAY!!! So glad you got to this one!!! T. Kingfisher is one of the best things that has happened to my reading. You laugh, you cry, you "Hmm" over those points that are just. so. true. -- especially in this book where the main character realizes that the adults are just big piles of suck since she and a kid and a homeless woman on a bone horse have to save the world. I mean... yeah, and you wonder why more MG/YA fantasy characters don't have this realization.

Summer in Orcus was one of my favorite books forever until her next one, but I still hold big love for that one and you must find it. I really hate that her MG books are considered too... something for broader audiences - it's really ridiculous and I think it's just that her editor or agent isn't enough within kidlit spheres. I TOTALLY think there's a whole passel of kids who would be ride-or-die superfans pretty much immediately. I have read everything she's written so far except for the Scary On The Label horror stories... and I feel I'll someday work up to them. Maybe.

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I really, really think that the whole thread about it being complete bullshit that she and Spindle had to become heroes—that the adults had all failed them (and the rest of the city) so incredibly enormously—ALSO reminded me of DWJ, because that kind of honesty (and anger!) in her books was so much of what spoke to me as a kid. And maybe, too, that showing the complexity and unfairness of the world shows confidence in and respect for the readers?

I will absolutely track down Summer in Orcus, because I'm basically ride-or-die now, if her name is on it, I will read it.

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Also, Knackering Molly, MY HEART.

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I LOVED this book. And after DNF'ing three extremely-mediocre-but-somehow-bestselling books in a row, I picked up her new one, Nettle and Bone, and breathed a huge sigh of relief, because it's just as wonderful.

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I read this one and then What Follows the Dead back-to-back, with Nettle and Bone on hold at the library, so I am on a T. Kingfisher TEAR and I. Am. HERE FOR IT.

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I also loved The Seventh Bride if you haven't read that one yet - a Bluebeard retelling with a hedgehog familiar? Yes, please!

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OMG. Yes, please is RIGHT, I'll order it ASAP!! Thank you!

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