What kind of vampires am I most drawn to?

This is a harder one to answer that I expected it to be when I wrote it? I have such mixed feelings about vampires—or more specifically *romances* with vampires—in general? Because the romances are generally with humans, so the age/power dynamic grosses me out?

So I feel like decrepit vampires are kind of the most HONEST, somehow?

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Oh wait, I forgot about Colin Robinson from What We Do in Shadows (the show). Apparently that is my favorite kind of vampire, because I can't even think of that dude without grinning ear to ear. Having him drain people by talking about genealogy this season was BRILLIANT.

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STILL thinking about this, and while my guess is that it hasn't aged well in many regards, I always loved Cassidy's arc in the Preacher comic books—the idea that being immortal would result in a person being incredibly emotionally stunted & immature made so much sense to me, because he never really had to deal with repercussions from his own bad decisions. When things went wrong (often because of him), he'd just leave town & the humans he left behind had to deal with the fallout.

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