It's an incredible jacket. I want her ability to eat Cheez Doodles and not get orange powder all over her WHITE LACE GLOVES, it's the superpower of my dreams.
It's quiet and a slow burn—which is quite often an EXTREMELY good fit for me, heh. (I haven't watched a ton of his stuff—I'm skittish because I have the sneaking suspicion that some of them are going to make me cry—but the commonality I noticed in lower Letterboxd reviews of this one and of Crimson Peak is the complaint that they weren't scary... so basically, I think some viewers go in expecting a traditional horror story, when that's not what either film is doing. Anyway. Seemed relevant-ish, hahaha.)
You have much better taste than I do. I should watch several of these, including All About Eve and Desperately Seeking Susan! (I have, at least, seen 12 Angry Men.) Don't you just love Horror Express?? I could watch that all day. And I too watched the House that Dripped Blood, woot, and just the other day I watched Roger Corman's The Raven, a send-up starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and an unrecognizably young Jack Nicholson. Highly recommend!
Ooo, and I watched an episode of The Outer Limits, "Demon With a Glass Hand," that turns out to have inspired Terminator. A must-watch. Plus I have a crush on Robert Culp.
Some mornings I get up and am like LET'S WATCH ONE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED AMERICAN FILMS OF ALL TIME and some mornings I get up and am like TIME TO REWATCH THE CHILD'S PLAY FRANCHISE. So, you know: We all contain multitudes.
Criterion has a bunch of the Corman/Price/Poe adaptations up right now—I think they roll off at the end of the month?—so I'm hoping to work my way through the rest of them before they're gone. And yeah, Horror Express has that fantastically chill 70s pacing AND it has Cushing and Lee sniping bitchily at one another AND it has rad $5 effects AND it led to the Very Important Realization that I have a crush on 70s Christopher Lee IF he has a mustache and is wearing a fur hat. (VERY SPECIFIC, I KNOW.) My fave train horror movie is still Terror Train with Jamie Lee and Hart Bochner and David Copperfield—it's so dumb and I LOVE IT, lololol.
Did you know going in that Demon With a Glass Hand had a Terminator connection, or did you suspect while watching and then Google? I love it either way; it's so cool to follow things back like that.
We've been watching our way through Outer Limits, and my husband somehow found out about the connection so wanted to watch it right away. And there you have it. So I did know going in to the episode; I think it was written by Harlan Ellison and they sued over Terminator.
I definitely have a crush on 70s Christopher Lee, but I think I prefer the clean-shaven look. You'll have fun with the Raven; it's so silly and at one point has Vincent saying sweetly "But we're vegetarians."
I've never worked my way through Outer Limits—that's such a great project, I love seeing who pops up in those old anthology shows, and whose stories are being adapted, etc., etc. Old Harlan was a piece of work, but hoo boy does his name show up on a lot of stuff that I enjoy. (Babylon 5 being right up there!)
Hang on, have you been reading my book blog? Because yesterday I posted about reading two B5 memoirs (Patricia Tallman's, which then led me to JMS'). I'm now seriously considering another B5 rewatch.
Going through the Outer Limits has been fun. Some of them are *incredibly* slow, some are great. I can see why the Twilight Zone wound up focusing on shorter, tighter stories. OTOH I don't think Demon With a Glass Hand would have worked in that short a time. And there's lots of opportunity to play spot-the-actor.
I still want that Desperately Seeking Susan jacket.
It's an incredible jacket. I want her ability to eat Cheez Doodles and not get orange powder all over her WHITE LACE GLOVES, it's the superpower of my dreams.
I just learned about The Devil’s Backbone a few days ago! Can’t believe it wasn’t on my radar, but now I definitely have to watch it.
It's quiet and a slow burn—which is quite often an EXTREMELY good fit for me, heh. (I haven't watched a ton of his stuff—I'm skittish because I have the sneaking suspicion that some of them are going to make me cry—but the commonality I noticed in lower Letterboxd reviews of this one and of Crimson Peak is the complaint that they weren't scary... so basically, I think some viewers go in expecting a traditional horror story, when that's not what either film is doing. Anyway. Seemed relevant-ish, hahaha.)
You have much better taste than I do. I should watch several of these, including All About Eve and Desperately Seeking Susan! (I have, at least, seen 12 Angry Men.) Don't you just love Horror Express?? I could watch that all day. And I too watched the House that Dripped Blood, woot, and just the other day I watched Roger Corman's The Raven, a send-up starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and an unrecognizably young Jack Nicholson. Highly recommend!
Ooo, and I watched an episode of The Outer Limits, "Demon With a Glass Hand," that turns out to have inspired Terminator. A must-watch. Plus I have a crush on Robert Culp.
Some mornings I get up and am like LET'S WATCH ONE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED AMERICAN FILMS OF ALL TIME and some mornings I get up and am like TIME TO REWATCH THE CHILD'S PLAY FRANCHISE. So, you know: We all contain multitudes.
Criterion has a bunch of the Corman/Price/Poe adaptations up right now—I think they roll off at the end of the month?—so I'm hoping to work my way through the rest of them before they're gone. And yeah, Horror Express has that fantastically chill 70s pacing AND it has Cushing and Lee sniping bitchily at one another AND it has rad $5 effects AND it led to the Very Important Realization that I have a crush on 70s Christopher Lee IF he has a mustache and is wearing a fur hat. (VERY SPECIFIC, I KNOW.) My fave train horror movie is still Terror Train with Jamie Lee and Hart Bochner and David Copperfield—it's so dumb and I LOVE IT, lololol.
Did you know going in that Demon With a Glass Hand had a Terminator connection, or did you suspect while watching and then Google? I love it either way; it's so cool to follow things back like that.
We've been watching our way through Outer Limits, and my husband somehow found out about the connection so wanted to watch it right away. And there you have it. So I did know going in to the episode; I think it was written by Harlan Ellison and they sued over Terminator.
I definitely have a crush on 70s Christopher Lee, but I think I prefer the clean-shaven look. You'll have fun with the Raven; it's so silly and at one point has Vincent saying sweetly "But we're vegetarians."
I've never worked my way through Outer Limits—that's such a great project, I love seeing who pops up in those old anthology shows, and whose stories are being adapted, etc., etc. Old Harlan was a piece of work, but hoo boy does his name show up on a lot of stuff that I enjoy. (Babylon 5 being right up there!)
Hang on, have you been reading my book blog? Because yesterday I posted about reading two B5 memoirs (Patricia Tallman's, which then led me to JMS'). I'm now seriously considering another B5 rewatch.
Going through the Outer Limits has been fun. Some of them are *incredibly* slow, some are great. I can see why the Twilight Zone wound up focusing on shorter, tighter stories. OTOH I don't think Demon With a Glass Hand would have worked in that short a time. And there's lots of opportunity to play spot-the-actor.