FIRST OF ALL, who even knew there were that many kinds of daffs?! Some of them are so gorgeous I have the weird urge to eat them, and that's... a little worrying. Anyway, I'm so glad you all are all thawed, but ugh, to go straight into blackfly season. It's still chilly/sunny here, with random veering into breathlessly hot, because why not. Cheers to mechanics who treat you like you have a fully operational brain. Treasure those people!!! Also cheers to making your walk work. I kind of hate how we plop four lane roads in the middle of everything with no way across - totally been there, and I'm way too much of a chicken to do the Frogger thing. Also, I think it would piss me off to die running ungracefully like that. I'd have to come back and haunt...

Also, still smirking at Oryx & Crake AND seersucker in the same sentence. Soooo much pretentious, yet also so much cute imagining high school students rocking that, with their on-the-nose mental health projects. Bad Witch Burning sounds SO good, and I absolutely adore the cover. She looks like people I know. Minus the hellbeast, of course.

Was recommended a very random ebook called Legends & Lattes and I LOVED it. I don't normally read too much SFF written by men with female main characters because the mischaracterizations are exhausting, but this was most excellent and unexpectedly charming.

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I *love* that company because they focus on lesser-seen and rarer bulbs, stuff that I hardly ever see at garden centers or wherever. And I also *love* the idea of trying to bring some of those variations back, etc., etc. It's so nerdy, but I get all starry-eyed when I look at, like, lists of heirloom flowers and vegetables and so on and I want to SAVE THEM ALL but I also know that putting plants in that require more upkeep than, like, literally planting them and walking away is not one of my strengths. So things like daffs it IS, heh.

I did a quick lookup of Legends & Lattes and the cover made me think so much of the covers of all those Robert Asprin M.Y.T.H. INC books that fifth-grade me was obsessed with, kind of an 80s/90s cover art throwback? I'm immediately intrigued & will track it down!!

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AAAAAH! Robert Aspirin! M.Y.T.H. INC!! I'd forgotten about those...!! (And WOW, I'm old, let's just take a moment to take that in...) Ugh, my same issue with gardening, and we're on drought water rations -- I want to save ALL the heirlooms, but I can barely water them, much less pay attention to them... ::sigh::

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I'm scared to revisit those books because I can't IMAGINE that they'll hold up?

But, YEAH on the age thing, my birthday is in a week and a half and it is not a small number, LOL.

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